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Get Rewarded for Making an Impact

"The plain fact is that the planet does not need more “successful” people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every shape and form. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these needs have little to do with success as our culture has defined it."


  • Make money from your phone with no start-up cost


  • Run a fun business from wherever your adventures take you


  • Authentically share high-quality, organic products that align with your values and lifestyle


  • Join a community standing for health, regenerative practices, and personal freedom


  • Support a plastic-free, environmental restoration movement


  • Tap into a business that has one of the most rewarding compensation plans in the industry


  • Learn, grow and develop yourself alongside a team of passionate humans while earning an income

  • Be your own boss


  • Work during your own hours 


  • Build, grow and scale a business with the support of our business roadmap and mentorship 


  • Earn passive income for life 



Let's make produce organic again!



We are here to show you how to build a business of your own founded in service to humanity. We empower you to get clear on your purpose & gain confidence throughout the process. You will be guided & deeply supported. You are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. There is more support here than starting your own business in practically any other form. 


We value community & believe that a strong support system is key to success.


One-on-one mentorship is extremely important and we are here to guide you as you unfold as your most authentic self & step into your innate power as an optimized hueman BEing. 


We are a tribe.


Many of our fellow wellness warriors become close friends (in real life) after initially connecting through this business + community space. It's so much more than just a way to make money. 


This is a mission that has never been more important than it is right now in human history.


This requires commitment, devotion and willingness to put in the time - but, we can honestly say that starting a conscious business you are passionate about will be some of the most soul-filling work that you'll ever do.


The world is changing fast, and we are in the middle of a massive economic transformation. The internet and social media have completely disrupted the traditional way of doing business, and the economy of our parents generation is crumbling. 


We believe paying people instead of advertising agencies is good business. 


Free time is a right, not a privilege. Anything is possible when we work as a team and celebrate as a community. Our system is based on creating a bigger positive impact on the world, while creating a thriving stream of residual income. 


You are here to live your gifts. 


It’s time to step out of the hustle and align with an ethical, sustainable business model that can support you financially to share your gifts with the world.


Trust me, this truly is the opportunity of a lifetime. I invite you to be open and curious. There's nothing like this that exists. ​


This is a feminine business model.


No more working FOR others.


We work WITH others.


Let's co-create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

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How Do You Earn Revenue?

Just as we are committed to beyond organic standards and high-quality products, we are equally committed to providing you with a highly rewarding compensation for helping transform the world for the better. You make an income while making an impact by helping others upgrade their food habits and lifestyle. We earn revenue in 2 different ways:


1. Customer sales: We get paid 20-25% commissions for selling products. This gets paid to you for the lifetime of your customer. Every time they order, you get paid as long as you are an active Brand Partner.


2. Team building: This way of earning is optional. We get paid for building a team of wellness warriors who are passionate about transforming lives through healthy living. The bigger your team, the more impact we have. Our main intention is to end human suffering and we need as many passionate humans to be sharing this message with the world. When you build a team you get paid a percentage of your team sales and tap into company profits as well. Again, you do not have to build a team if you don’t want to, you can just focus on sharing our superfoods only. Either way, you will be supported every step of the way!

Vegetable Patch

Real Food Lifestyle

Nourish the Earth and your vessel with organic, living foods. 

Business Growth

Financial Opportunity

Abundance is your birthright. Join the green economy and learn how to become financially free by sharing health.

Black Soil


When we take care of our planet, she takes care of us. 

Purium, setting the gold standard in the health and wellness industry, is not only revolutionizing the way we approach our well-being but also leading the charge in sustainable and regenerative practices. Alongside their breakthrough innovations and commitment to reducing plastic waste through their Plastic-Free Alliance, Purium has established partnerships with regenerative and organic farmers. These partnerships ensure nutrient-dense products while promoting ecological balance and soil health.


When a customer spends money at Purium, Purium spends it again by investing in and expanding the organic non-gmo agriculture footprint globally. When you nourish your body with Purium products, you nourish your body with the most clean, pure, and nutritionally potent products that support well-being while nurturing the Earth. 


Purium gives us a chance to heal from a toxic, compromised food system in a way that's convenient. Purium is the real fast food and our world needs this!​

 Are You a Holistic Health Advocate Committed to Co-creating a More Vital World?

I welcome you into our community of passionate regenerative health advocates to nourish your vessel, the earth, and your visions.

Without health, what do you have?

When you heal yourself, you heal the world..

The message is loud and clear:

It is no longer an opportunity but a sacred obligation to be a voice for the healing and remembering of our humanity.

Together We Thrive.

Does this resonate?

If so, the next step is schedule a connect call with me!



Naturopathic Doctor Swears by Purium Superfoods and Strong Business Model 


“This has been the best investment that I've made in my health, easily, in 10 years.  It's been the most transformative and it's built into my practice now because I can't help but sharing it with the world.”


Dr. Robyn Land operates her own successful integrative health clinic, as well as teaching yoga on the side. As health & wellness a main centerpoint of her life, she struggled with her own depletion while mothering her two year old. When introduced to the Purium products she was at first skeptical having seen numerous health products that aren’t so “healthy”. After conducting her research she trusted not only ouringredient’s but our company ethics and values. She couldn’t hold back from sharing!

Listen to her full story here.

Purium Aligns with Regenerative Specialist and Assists Her in Helping More People

“When I hit one of our ranks in Diamond in a few months, I was like, ‘WOAH!’ I can actually drop some of the other income streams that I had and really focus on this which is what I want to do.”

Before Purium, Rita Jean Flemming was absorbed with her clinic practice revolving around regenerative detoxification, iridology, herbalism, and was even hosting retreats around the world. Despite that, Rita was looking for a way to impact even more people. When she saw how Purium benefited her sister, she had to dive in. She now has incorporated the Purium lifestyle within her own life as well as her community’s and has seen so many transformations. Within six months, she was able to focus on her Purium business solely and drop her other income streams. Listen to her full story here.

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Health Conscious Advocator and Solopreneur Feels True Calling to the Purium Lifestyle 

“Never before have I experienced this level of transformation at the physical level and also in the community.”

Kristian Strang had a health crisis in 2008 that brought her face to face with her own mortality. She vowed that if she pulled through, she would do anything to reach her full potential as a human being. In 2019, she came across another Purium Brand Partner on social media and was instantly magnetized by his mission and the company he supported. When she dipped her toes in Purium and got the ULT, she felt as if her cells reawakened. After just three days on the ULT, she felt in her heart that Purium was her true calling. Listen to her full story here.

Holistic Health Healer Leaves Corporate World for Financial Freedom and Residual Income 

“Right now I'm just super excited to share this opportunity with people, to educate people about organic superfoods, about Purium, the community, in addition how to step into their own power.” 


Deep into his holistic healing journey, Rich Sarpong found the Purium lifestyle a perfect compliment to his transformation. After leaving his corporate job behind before the 2020 pandemic, Rich was in need of a new stream of income and the Purium opportunity gave him the independence and residual income he was looking for. Not only did his life up level financially, but he gained the benefits of nourishing super foods as well as the support of a like-minded community that guides him throughout his business and health journey. Listen to his full story here.

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Holistic Health Coach Uplevels Her Own Health AND Business Success

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“I earned the same amount of income in my business that I did in all of 2020 and I attribute so much of that to getting in the right alignment that I got from the Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation and these products.”

Deanna Deacon is a certified Holistic Health Coach who dealt with digestive discomfort for her entire life. She’s no stranger to trying multiple cleanses and forms of nutrition to help her find ease in her body. After completing a 30 day Purium Transformation, Deanna’s search in upleveling her health was over! She took the business opportunity and ran with it, earning the same amount of income in just one month than she did in the entirety of the past year. Listen to her full story here.

Social Worker & Yoga Instructor Fuels her Purium Business with Passion to Serve Others 

“The root of the word sale means service and this means a lot because I don’t ‘sell’ anything i want to serve...Now i'm a better person, i'm a better spiritual being.” 

As a social worker helping people in recovery from addiction, Isabelle Houle is committed to a life of service. She also works as a yoga instructor teaching the practice to individuals  in recovery. After discovering Purium superfoods, Isabelle was able to reverse her health issues revolving around Crohn's disease. Isabelle’s trust in the products prompted her to  jump into the business where she has thrived both financially and personally, reaching her highest potential. Listen to her full story here.

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Professional Champion Boxer Beats Auto-immune Disease with Purium Cleanse

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“Purium has saved my boxing career and my health...It gave me the tools to implement the nutrition that I needed to be able to still perform... It wasn't just a supplement change, it was a whole lifestyle change.” 

As a full-time athlete training twice a day, Consultant Cody Crowley found his body deteriorating. Crowley turned to a plant-based lifestyle but still needed the energy to train that he had previously received from chemical supplements and caffeine. The boxer’s life changed after his first Purium cleanse when his auto-immune disease disappeared. Driven by his own health transformation, Crowley now uses his Purium business to help other fighters who are experiencing the burnout he was suffering through. Listen to his full story here.

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