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Sunbeam Superfoods

a mobile business


about brooke

Hello, I’m Brooke and I grew up in the quaint town of Grass Valley in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of Northern California. 


This is the part where I would typically list my accomplishments and the academic degrees I have received, however, I would like you to get to know me by what lights me up in life. 


I am, and always have been, lit up by health and well-BEing. Throughout my 26 years of life on this planet, I feel that I have gained a pretty great understanding of holistic well-being. I am a mover and a shaker and I eat, sleep, and breathe healthy living. Taking care of my own vessel is what I LOVE to do because I love how it makes me feel. I want others to remember how good they can feel within their own bodies too. 


If anything the last couple of years has truly illuminated for us is the need for a better understanding of what true health actually looks like. This is where I aim to bridge the gap.  

I am fired up and passionate about giving people a better quality of life, or rather, showing them how they can improve their life through self-empowerment. I desire to grant people the tools so that they can reclaim their own vitality and remember how good it feels to be in a state of thriving health! The recipe is simple, but most people just don't know or have never been taught. I believe that education and awareness is the first step to creating change. I believe that people want better for themselves, but just haven't had the guidance or support. I believe that one person can create ripples and make big changes on this planet. I believe that one person can be me. I would like to ask, can you believe in me too? 


I'm not one to usually ask for this type of help, but I know that there is power in asking for help. I need help getting my vision off the ground. And for what I receive by asking, I promise to give back tenfold. The mission is in giving. The gift of a better quality of life is absolutely priceless. I am graciously asking that you take the time to read and receive my love and desire to create positive change on this earth. If you are in a place of giving, I am in a place of receiving.


What I have given is my time and devotion to learning how the human body works and how integral nutrition is for our well-being. I believe it's the foundation for living a good life. The quality of food you eat is equivalent to the quality of life you live. It's time we ALL start living again. Don't you agree?  I am beyond grateful for your time, your presence and your energy it took to hear me out and possibly see the magick in me. 

the mission

The mission is big. The ultimate mission is to end human suffering. This seems like a daunting task, but I believe that every individual holds a power within them to create ripples of change. I am one individual with the passion and heart to set out on a journey to empower people to reclaim their health with organic superfood plant allies. I intend to remind people that they hold the intelligence to heal when given the proper nourishment and support. I have found a solution and can provide the proper tools and support. My intention is to raise awareness around the destruction of our soil and the lack of nutrition in our food. Along with providing the tools necessary for healing the physical body, I aim to learn regenerative methods of healing the earth so that I may bring this education to the people.


This mission is one of empowerment. 


People are ready for change. People are sicker than ever before. People are starving for nourishment. People are in need of solutions. Well, I believe that the shift begins on the cellular level. The food we eat becomes us. When we eat high vibrational living foods, we begin to take on this energy. We become more magnetic to what we want to attract into our lives. When take care of ourselves, we can then show up for others and give back to our earth that cares for us. If the earth is sick, so are we. Everything is connected.


I am being called to mobilize and spread this healing message far and wide. I am being called to work with the land and teach others how to become more connected to their food and the earth. Humanity is in need of healing and I am here to be an agent for the change we wish to see in the world. 

the problem

  • The United States spends more on health care than any other country in the world. By 2026 consumer out-of-pocket spending on healthcare is set to hit an estimated $491.6 billion, or about $1,650 per person, in the U.S.

  • 80% of American consumers now identify themselves as having a gut problem: heartburn, food allergies, gluten sensitivities, autoimmune celiac, ulcers to diverticulitis to intestinal hernias, IBS, poor motility of constipation and diarrhea, ulcerative colitis etc.

  • Chronic inflammatory diseases contribute to more than half of deaths worldwide.

  • The United States ranks 12th in the world for obesity. 

  • We have been witnessing the fastest acceleration of autism...we will see 1 in 3 with autism by 2035.

  • Every food on the planet can now cause sensitivity. 

  • 10 companies control the food industry.

  • ​ Researchers esti­mat­ed that 19 mil­lion peo­ple — or 6.2% of the nation’s total pop­u­la­tion — had lim­it­ed access to a super­mar­ket or gro­cery store. 

  • 5 billion pounds of glyphosate (toxic chemical found in RoundUp weed killer) is sprayed on the soil worldwide. This is a water soluble toxin. Water soluble toxin is a bad idea on a planet that is 75% water. 

  • Glyphosate is destroying the health of our gut microbiomes. The gut is your second brain, when your gut begins to die, so does the rest of your body. 

  • 75% of rainfall and 75% of air we breathe is contaminated with glyphosate.

  • The foods we eat are contaminated with glyphosate - about 75% of the food in the U.S.

  • Only 4% of all US food is organic.


These chemicals aren’t going anywhere anytime soon even if we stopped spraying TODAY. 


It’s pretty clear at this point. We simply can’t ignore the negative health implications that these toxic chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, and toxins are having on human biology. 


What we do to the soil, we do to our health.

the solution

The first step to creating change is awareness. ​From awareness comes choice.


The solution is:


1. Educate people about the issues and the problems that are causing a rise in the chronic disease epidemic.


2. Provide people with a self reliant healing system that focuses on supporting the body with nutrition and detoxification to heal on the cellular level. 


3. Bring unadulterated pure food to the people. We are helping eliminate issues in regards to food deserts by delivering high quality nutrition straight to your door.​


Most dis-ease states that plague our modern society today can be mitigated or avoided through proper nutrition and lifestyle choices. Education & access to organic superfood nutrition can bridge the gap.


This is where my mobile business comes into play: 



Target market


  • Families

  • Farmers

  • Health care professionals

  • Holistic healers 




  • Smoothie and juice bars 

  • Supplement companies

  • Superfood companies 


Sales channels


I will sell superfoods at events and festivals. My mobile business will allow me to connect with communities which allow me to grow partnerships everywhere I travel. In addition to in-person events, I will expand my reach by marketing online. Sales will be made via my online superfood store. 


Marketing activities


  • Develop a social media presence 

  • Develop a youtube channel 

  • Put up informational flyers 

  • Host superfood social events 

  • Vend at events and festivals 

  • Run online ads




  • Selling superfoods - energy bites (bliss balls), green drinks, smoothies (in person)

  • Sales from online superfood store

  • Partnerships 




  • Cost of van (one time cost): (expenses below)

  • Van build (one time cost): (expenses below)

  • food processor (one time cost): $60

  • Projected mechanical issues on van: $1000/year 

  • Van insurance: $1500 per year

  • Gas for van: $300-$600/month

  • Vendor cost at events: between $50-$100 or 10%-20% of sales 

  • Inventory of superfoods products: $1,500/month 

  • Marketing expenses: $500 per month 




  • Acquire Van and finish business build (June 20 2022)

  • Run online ads (July 2022)

  • Start Youtube Channel (April 2022)




  • Brooke Holland: Owner


Partners and resources


  • Purium Transformation Company 




Scenario 1: High End


  • FORD TRANSIT VAN: $37,620

  • VAN BUILD: $21,656

  • TOTAL: $59,276


Scenario 2: Low End


  • FORD TRANSIT VAN: $15,000

  • VAN BUILD: $4,216

  • TOTAL: $19,216


Sources of funding and use of proceeds:


  • Sources of funding: I am currently seeking $60,000 for funding the van, the van build, inventory, and marketing. I intend to source the majority of the funding from investors who see the potential of my business vision and the impact it will have on the collective. Outside of what I receive from investors, I intend to acquire funding from crowdfunding and applying for grants and small business loans. All personal revenue will be put toward any costs that do not get covered from outside sources. 


  • Use of proceeds: I will use the proceeds for the van, van build, inventory and marketing. 



Festivals and Events:

There are 30+ transformational festivals happening in 2022 in North America alone


Festivals I could realistically do in one year: 8 festivals (most festivals are in spring, summer, and fall)


Cost of Goods & Expenses:

  • 16 oz compostable cups: $302.24 for a case of 1000 . $0.30 per cup.

  • powershake: $75 for 30 servings

  • cold brew: $9.49 for 32 oz - 8 servings total (4 oz per serving) $1.18 per serving

  • can't beet this: $129.90 for 60 servings (2.17 per serving)

Ingredients for bliss balls:

  • dates: $112.35 for 15 pounds

  • epigenius kids chocolate superfood powder: $74.96 for 30 servings

  • supermeal chai superfood powder :$82.46 for 30 servings

  • other superfood add-ins: goji berries, cacao nibs, etc. $10 

  • cost of one bliss ball: $.30


Goods for sale:

  • powershake $6 per cup. = $3.50 profit

  • powershake + cold brew $8 = $4.32 profit

  • bliss balls $2.50 a ball = $2.2 profit

  • powershake + 2 bliss balls = $10 = $6.90 profit

  • can't beet this juice = $5 = $2.83 profit


One event I sell:

70 powershakes: profit of $245

30 cold brew & powershakes: profit of $129.6

40 bliss balls: profit of $88

20 power + bliss ball combo: profit of $138

40 can't beet this juice = profit of $113.20


Average Projected Revenue per event in product sales: $713.8


At each event - I will offer next available group cleanse experience. People will sign up on email list or purchase cleanse/transformation on the spot.


Hosting monthly group cleanses will bring additional sources of revenue. Then from each group cleanse, some people will continue to be a returning customer for life. One cleanse sale = $65 revenue.


Each month of business I sign up a minimum of 10 people to do the cleanse: $658 revenue


6 of those 10 continue the lifestyle the following months (on monthly subscription):


Revenue from 6 customers on a subscription = $214.80 (the revenue will keep compounding as more people commit to the lifestyle each month)


12 months revenue just from a minimum of 6 new subscriptions each month: $17,000. 


The business will only continue to grow due to the fact that the products are consumable and must be consumed regularly. The goal is to get lifelong customers.


Growth Potential:


The growth potential is massive and unlimited due to the business model provided by my partnership with Purium. Purium has a feminine business model where I get rewarded based on my impact. In addition to my own personal efforts, I have the ability to expand my income potential when I cultivate new partnerships to spread the mission. Due to the subscription model of the business, my business will continue to grow with returning customers along with the addition of new partners. There will be other like-minded people who experience the healing potential of these therapeutic superfoods and want to partner up to impact more people and naturally grow the success of the business.


My main aim is to expand my business by cultivating partnerships. Selling superfoods and spreading awareness at events and festivals is the gateway to creating these partnerships. The more people I impact who feel excited about joining my mission, the more my business grows. Each partnership opens up a whole new avenue of residual income that becomes challenging to account for due to the individual’s personal efforts. To truly expand my impact, I envision my business partners impacting their communities by sharing these superfoods at various events and festivals.


This is how we create ripples of change.


The success of my business is founded in collaboration over competition. The more people I impact, the more those people will create an impact and the growth becomes exponential. One month my business could be making $2,000 and the next month my business could be $10,000. I intend to have consistent $10,000 months within the next 3 years. 


Financial Projections:


Average Projected Revenue per event in product sales: $1,500. Hosting monthly group cleanses will bring additional sources of revenue. Then from each group cleanse, some people will continue to be a returning customer for life.


Projected revenue:


Year one: $70,000

Year two: $115,781

Year three: $139,827

changing lives


Hi, my name is Melissa and I wanted to share a little more detail about my AMAZING healing transformation/testimony!


I am a single mama and gave birth in 2016. Prior to birth I ate relatively well and loved to exercise. My body felt young and pretty strong. Then, i birthed my beautiful daughter with the support of my doula and my mother. The birth was traumatic and this was the start of my adrenal fatigue. My daughter is now completely thriving but my body was not. I breastfed for 2 years plus and my moon cycle never returned. I tried everything and spend a lot of money on alternative medicines. I also tried out of desperation Pharma just once. I also tried eating way more than i what felt natural and that ended up making me feel lethargic and bloated.

Because my body was so fatigued from stress, I feel my body was really adrenal fatigued. I think because of this other issues arose. I started to get Migraines for the first time ever. Horrible headaches and nausea. I did end up getting sick a couple times. I also was having a serious ear/brain issue called hyperacusis. And, a sinus issue where it made it impossible to breath out of my nose. I then knew I had and wanted to make some serious changes. I had started to make daily smoothies and tried to pack in as many nutrients as I could! It still wasn't enough to jumpstart my healing process.


Then, I met a beautiful human, Brooke. She told me about what she was doing and I fell in love with the company and what they had to offer. And her too, lol. I knew that I had to have these superfoods.

1 month later, my ear/brain wasn't inflamed anymore and my ear issue was 90 percent better. 2 months later, my moon cycle returned after almost 5 years!!!! I am more healthy than I have ever been and so happy I said YES to this transformation!!!


I love this community and I love this company and I love the movement!! I am falling in Love with myself again.

It's soooooo worth it!!!


Much love!

5. My energy was coming to a halt, the past couple months I’ve worked 10 hour days - started to feel more sleepy - stoney - heavy when I got off work rather than the motivated loud human I usually am… I KNEW SOMETHING IN MY DIET HAD TO CHANGE because it was the only thing I was not holding standards to in my life.

6. Trying to eat healthy with Alex is a super funnnnyyy joke, this boy loves his snacks and drive thrus more then anyone I’ve met, I needed an alternative solution and a complete opposite diet of him and it wasn’t happening as I desired so I thought this could work + took the dive!!!

7. Never before have I had issues waking up in the morning meditating, pulling through guidance for the present, connecting things using realm sleep . UNTIL I started waking up with super intense hunger pains, an empty stomach empty throat and I would sit there getting ready to meditate and be completely in-capable it was like I needed to fill my body with something…. I hated that feeling because I’ve never had it before so I would have to get up and go eat breakfast before I could even freaking mentally feed myself which I just do not like the idea of !! So I obviously looked into plants and herbs and other things that would satisfy & fulfill me in both ways so I wouldn’t necessarily need to eat before morning meditation but finding a way for those herbs to taste good only lasted so long so I needed another option. This intriguing way of life seemed to be lining up with everything that I needed.

8. I found women + people that I trusted to listen too . They’ve help guide not only my health but everybody’s through their own lifestyle and completely honest living. They’ll even say it. You can’t make this shit up. THIS LIVING SAVES Us but more importantly saves OUR PLANET. 

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Reasons I opened my pocket, mind, body and soul to Brooke's recommendation to these superfoods….


1. The fight against climate change needs bigger and better solutions - I was sick of how much plastic my house and grocery stores were spewing to our planet just to have food to survive

2. Crippling period cramps

3. Terrible cravings that I noticed altered what I wanted to do physically and what I was focused on mentally

4. I saw happiness cultivate through sunbeam Brooke even harder and happier then she already was.



1. Wow life is beautiful.

2. I have saved $400 worth of food/groceries these passed two months

3. I have experienced no period cramps after the gut cleanse not even body warnings like swollen breasts the week before!!


5. The other day I finally started to calm down from my long day of work, laid down hoping to watch a movie with Alex, when he popped the computer open I realized it was 2:30 a.m and I have to wake up at 5 a.m … I had only drank my shake, a handful of cherry tomatoes and my herbal supplements. My energy is so consistent/ strong/ steady/ exciting and falling to sleep is so quick! Waking up and doing what I want is too. The energy is real and right back where we left off (with lots of energy) when I wake up.

6. I’ve lost 24 pounds now - started 08/02 • not much feels like it’s changed because I don’t miss or crave anything…. This stuff just satisfies my cells to the tippy top, sometimes putting food near my mouth has me questioning if I want it, even if I haven’t eaten all day so that’s kinda weird but I freaking love it because its helps me naturally shed my extra flab shit and keeps me motivated to do another month!!

7. My sex life has gotten better!

8. I haven’t even needed to take out the recycle trash since starting…… just not enough plastic to fill it THANK YOU PURIUM.

9. It’s amazing for my 7:45-5:45 work schedule, due to the process and set up I don’t get hungry throughout the day or feel hangry between or after work!!!

10. I HAVE BEEN DOING SO MANY MORE LITTLE ACTIVITIES & THINGS BETWEEN AND AFTER WORK - ALWAYS OUTSIDE AND ALWAYS READY EVEN IF ITS BY MYSELF…. there’s no devil on my shoulder convincing me to sit at home with the babies or relax and watch Alex jump around.

Over all, after trying Purium's self reliant healing system I’ve realize the devil was never on our shoulder, he’s in our gut GET HIM OUT!!!


Sending alll the love & blessings for you to personally thrive through our planets abundant plant selection - eating habits that overjoyed our ancestors and will help us love the body we use to fulfill our life’s desires!!!

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I met Brooke in October 2019. Purium and superfoods ended up coming up in conversation as we hung out more and I was immediately skeptical. I believe this skepticism came from a protectiveness of not wanting to be scammed or just “sold” something by a typical salesperson who only has their best interest in mind to make a sale to make money, which has happened to me in the past. I’ve heard of these organic diets and other plant based shakes before but never trusted them for some reason. Brooke never pressured me to try Purium.

She simply explained what it was and shared with me some healing stories that others experienced, along with her own story, through the 30 day Ultimate Lifestyle Transformation program and allowed me to make my own choice to move forward or not.


For months and months before meeting Brooke I was experiencing digestion issues of never feeling good after I ate, even if it was organic and healthy food choices. I would feel bloated and disgusting after I’d eat along with a lingering fatigue on a day to day basis. I even started going to the extreme of skipping meals to avoid this discomfort which is of course not good. I was never able to figure out the cause and basically gave up as I didn’t know what to do. A few months went by after I heard about Purium and then one day it dawned on me that maybe this could be the thing that helpsf me get back on track and decided to give it a shot, and to put it simply, it worked.


Immediately, I believe only 3 or 4 days into the 30 day transformation I was already starting to feel alive again. I felt clean. I felt good. I had energy again. My skin started to glow. There was life in my smile. I experienced easier and more complete sleep cycles. My digestion normalized. I started looking forward to my meals again as they made me feel completely nourished and energized. The support I received from Brooke throughout the cleanse was beyond helpful. She was ALWAYS there to answer any questions I had along with being a guide to help me get through some of the “harder” parts of the cleanse. This one on one support is something you will never ever find from any other diet or cleanse program. I am beyond grateful to have been introduced to such a powerful healing tool. Let food be thy medicine they say, keyword food. REAL FOOD, aka Purium. To this day, now over a year later, I have never felt so aligned with my being and my overall health in my 31 years of life. I am living breathing proof of how these organic superfoods can heal our bodies. Thank you Brooke, I am beyond grateful to have met you and to be a part of your story of helping others become their most optimized selves.


“When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.


I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.


Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.”


Unknown monk, c. 12th century

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